Wasps typically nest in the eaves, soffits and gutters of houses. They are attracted by flowers and plant life but also patios and outdoor eating areas that have the remains of food and drink. Garbage cans that are not properly maintained can also attract hungry wasps, as can properties with an abundance of other insects and spiders. It should be noted that, although they are a pest, wasps can also be beneficial to humankind as they are pollinators, helping with plant fertilisation. They also can be used as parasites to control agricultural pests and they help to maintain insect populations.
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There are three major signs of wasp infestation: swarming insects, buzzing sounds and visible structures.- Swarming insects. A major sign of wasp infestation is when you begin to see large numbers of the insect swarming in an area. Following the flight path of these wasps may lead you to the location of the nest, as wasps need to feed their queen and look after their young.
- Buzzing sounds. Often you must rely on sound rather than sight to locate a wasp nest, especially if it is above your roofline or in another out of the way location. Wasp nests produce a loud persistent buzzing sound that is unmistakeable. When you hear it, you know you have a problem and that it's time to call in the pest control experts.
- Visible structures. You might also discover visible evidence of a wasp nest. Muddy deposits or thin paper-like material are signs of a nest, as they often constitute it. Different species of wasp build different kinds of nest in a variety of places but when you see one it is hard to mistake the evidence. Wasp nests start off small – about the size of a ping-pong ball – but as time goes by and the population increases, they usually grow to the size of a football. When you've identified a wasp's nest, it's important not to get too close, in order to avoid a nasty sting. Remember, wasps turn hostile if they feel threatened, so be careful not to disturb the colony in any way.
We Provide Wasp Nest Removal!
Due to the high risk of stings, we recommend a professional wasp control solution, particularly in the late Summer as, by then, the nest will contain thousands of insects. Getting wasp control experts in will not only eliminate the pest in a safe and professional way, it will give you peace of mind that the wasps won't return, if you follow their advice. We will identify the species of wasp you have and use our expertise to rid you of the problem. We will customise our treatment to ensure effective control based on location. And we will tell you what to do to prevent the problem from recurring. Not only will we treat the colony, we will remove the nest for extra safety and peace of mind.
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Why wasps are dangerous
Everyone knows that wasps sting but, until you've experienced it for yourself, it's hard to imagine how painful and uncomfortable the sensation is. Wasps are small creatures, but they pack a powerful punch. If you try to remove the colony without professional help, you run the risk of getting multiple stings, as wasps will turn aggressive and defend their nest if it is threatened. Excepting those who have allergies, a nasty sting is the extent of the danger posed by a hostile wasp, but this is enough to warrant professional treatment of the infestation.

Our Method
We offer a complete wasp control solution. This involves identifying the species that is causing the trouble and customising the treatment based on location, to ensure effective control of the wasp nest. We also offer advice on what to do to keep the wasps from returning. We will have your property wasp free in a couple of days. Our technicians will remove the nest itself in under an hour, using the proper equipment and protective gear. We are usually called in over the Summer months as the infestation will be at its height in this period, particularly late Summer. Wasp control involves four important steps.
Identify the nest. The wasp nest might be indoors or outdoors, easy or hard to access. The location of the nest is an important factor in determining the kind of approach and treatment required. Then to identify the species. Our experts will know instantly the kind of wasp they are dealing with, on sight. Different species behave differently and, therefore, require a different approach to the solution of the problem.
Determine a treatment plan. Once our experts know what they are dealing with, they will discuss a treatment plan with you. They will go over all the options you have as well as the necessities for treating the wasp nest and colony.
Prevention. As well as taking preventative measures, our technicians will advise you on what to do to keep the problem from recurring. This is the most important step, as it will save you a lot of time, money and potential pain and discomfort if you heed our advice and don't have to call us out again next Summer. We take what we do seriously and, once we've treated your problem, we never want to see you again.